Mid-America Science Museum on the map, Hot Springs, United States
Where is located Mid-America Science Museum
Mid-America Science Museum — local attraction, which is located at 500 Mid America Blvd, Hot Springs, AR 71913, United States and belongs to the category — museum. Average visitor rating for this place — 4.8 (according to 1852 ratings, information from open sources and relevant for 2022).
Exact location — Mid-America Science Museum, marked on the map with a red marker.
You can get directions to Mid-America Science Museum on the map from your location.
What else is interesting in Hot Springs? You can see all the sights if you go to the city page.
Mid-America Science Museum, United States coordinates in decimal format: latitude — 34.51571319937728, longitude — -93.11662367522327. When converted to degrees, minutes, seconds Mid-America Science Museum has the following coordinates: 34°30′56.57 north latitude and -93°6′59.85 east longitude.
Nearby cities
The largest cities that are located nearby:
- Little Rock — 75 km
- Shreveport — 228 km
- Memphis — 281 km
- Springfield — 300 km
- Tulsa — 319 km
- Jackson — 362 km
- Plano — 376 km
- Garland — 376 km
- Frisco — 380 km
- Mesquite — 381 km
- Richardson — 382 km
- Carrollton — 394 km
- Dallas — 397 km
- Denton — 403 km
- Norman — 404 km
- Irving — 407 km
- Grand Prairie — 415 km
- Oklahoma City — 416 km
- Arlington — 425 km
Distance to the capital
Distance to the capital (Washington) is about — 1512 km.